Thursday, January 2, 2014


Every winter I have a tradition of constructing igloos from the snow. It all started a few years back when my buddy from Florida came and visited over the winter holiday. We had grown weary of the warmth of the house and decided to head out into the cold abyss formally known as my front yard. We shoveled together all of the snow in said front yard, packed it down very tight, and carved the mass out from the inside, creating an igloo. It wasn't much, but we were happy when we had finally finished our rather small masterpiece. We simply desired to play in the snow and our passion at that moment was construction. It hadn't dawned on me that this had become a tradition of mine until I'd realized that every year since that first build I have gotten together with different friends and family members and constructed igloos from the snow during the winter holiday. It wasn't because it was tradition, it simply stemmed from a desire to construct a snow igloo. Funny enough, each year the igloos would become bigger and more elaborate. When I came to understand that this is something I will always desire each and every winter, I chose to make it a tradition of mine. Point is, today it has finally snowed heavily and very soon I will be conducting yet another team of builders to gather their wits and skills and build the best igloo yet!

In short, traditions are a beautiful thing that we have created in our lives. Sometimes they are passed down from generation to generation, and sometimes they spring up from he hearts of some punk teenagers looking to enjoy themselves. If you have traditions, embrace and enjoy them. They truly are a majestic thing.

Each day is a new sandwich...

[Here's the first igloo from many years ago! Yes... We spray painted it into a turtle.]

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