Friday, February 28, 2014

Updates Fa Dayz

People of the world,

I apologize for not posting on my Blog for almost a month. It's been hectic in my life recently and I feel bad about not updating you guys. So, let's catch up shall we?

The Sleight of Hand 101 contest ends tonight at midnight and I have to say you guys KILLED it! I believe we're up to 35 entries into the competition and I could not be more proud of everyone's videos! You guys are the reason I make tutorials, and I really enjoy seeing you showcase your skills! I will be judging each video for the next three days and determining my three winners, but understand one thing; even if you don't win, that does NOT mean that I don't appreciate your submission! For that reason, I will have a small surprise waiting for everyone on the day I post the results video (March 4th).

I have been working extremely hard on school this semester in attempts to get straight As. Now let's get some quick background info out on the table. The ONLY time I've been able to nail straight As was in 3rd grade. It's not like I'm a lazy student, but academics has always been a tough part of my life. I hit the library for almost 3 hours a DAY and I'm still struggling for those straight As. Granted I know for a fact that I have 3 As out of my 5 classes, which is amazing, but still not where I'm trying to get to. I will definitely keep you guys informed on my academics as the semester carries on.

As facebook so eloquently puts it, I am still single. The single life isn't bad, don't get me wrong, but I've been yearning for a real relationship for a long long time. That's not to say that I'm scouring the globe for women, but it does mean that I'm interested. I will not just throw myself at any beautiful dame I come in contact with, but when the time is right and I know she, whoever she is, is the one, I will most definitely be making that relationship move. So as of right now, there's not much to say, however the future always holds something beautiful for me, I just have to be patient enough to find it.

That's really all I've got right now guys. Keep in touch through my facebook page and my youtube channel and we'll all definitely have a good time! You fellas, and lady fellas, are the coal to my train! I wouldn't be running without you guys! Be cool, kick ass in school, and NEVER EVER be the fool.

Each day is a new sandwich...

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